Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wisker Trimming


I thought I'd just see how bad Amber is with trimming. Based on everything else she DOESN'T like, I figured vibrating, noisy clippers would also be on the list. But to my suprise, she was pretty good. Not perfect or an old pro by any means, but she stood pretty much still and let me trim her nose. Okay, I will admit, there may have been peppermint treats involved, but I wanted it to be a good experience and something I can actually do with her.

Next on the list:
Teeth floating in the next week or two
Hoof triming

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blog about Amber

Here is a link to blog post created for Amber in November of 2008.

About Amber

Amber is rescue horse that came to S.A.F.E (Save A Forgotten Equine) rescue organization in February/March of 2008. She was severely malnurished, covered in lice and rain rot and heavily pregnant. She was seized by Snohomish County and then awarded to S.A.F.E for care. She gave birth to a beautiful filly named Ariel on March 14, 2008.

This is Amber shortly after the rescue.
Amber and Ariel

Amber was at S.A.F.E for just over two years. After Ariel was weaned, Amber went into training for 90 days. During training and her time at S.A.F.E, Amber overcame many of her fears of humans. On May 21, 2010, Amber was adopted by me! and began a new adventure at her forever home.

Amber in training, October 2009

Amber, new home May 2010